The letter campaign in the UK is of dubious legality under GDPR legislation. WT has responded by initiating a national general effort in which publishers are encouraged to send letters in their territory. Typically 4 or 5 people will sit offering content suggestions over Zoom and maybe 1 or 2 letters per hour are written. So 5 hours counted 1 or 2 letters sent. So, the publishers are left out on the legal limb since all the instruction has com from WT verbally. There is nothing committed to paper, there is no evidence trail leading to WT. A monumental waste of time with these innocents unaware that they are on a legal limb.
The "special" global campaign in UK now requires songs to sent a letter and copy of the relevant WT to all businesses. In one nearby song there are 1000 businesses targeted. It was decided that costs of postage, nearly over £800 would be born by song funds. WT have now forbidden the use of long funds for this purpose, I suspect they don't want any evidential link between them and this dodgy waste of time and money.
The WT in question BTW is the most toothless, boring thing you could imagine,